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jamesDK Productions presentsa Vietnam playGHOST OF WAR2011We are delighted to announcethat we are entering our ThirdYear of Workshops,Showcases and Productions forGHOST OF WAR.~ 2011 is alsothe 40th Anniversary of theVietnam Lottery Draft of 1971,the "Inciting Incident" of thisStory. ~This is a "WriterProduced" presentation.(General Contact informationis placed at the end of thiswebpage.)~~~ Our next SHOW ~~~The PRODUCER'SCLUB358 West 44th St. @ 9th Ave.(212) 315-4743SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th,2011 ~ 8:00 PMTKTS$40 V.I.P.R.S.V.P.$30 General Admission atDoor$20 Students~Actors~FriendsFCFSAGENTS ET ALR.S.V.P.Lounge opens at 6:00 PMMICRO SYNOPSIS"The Tempest" meets"Romeo and Juliet" inVietnam."In a sense, Mankind'sFirst War never ended.The Losers simplyregrouped and cameback. Maybe it took 10years, maybe 100. Butthe sting of Defeatcultivated the resolveto reply.~~~ No Waraffected our presentSociety more than theViet-American War,juxtapposing itself withthe "CulturalRenaissance" of theSixties.~~~ But fewWars have ever beenless understood.~~~ Aswe approach a world ofever expandingcomplexity, it isimperative that weattempt to understandhow we got here. Thiscycle of AncientConflict will end someday. We can choose theeasy way, workingtogether as a GlobalSociety, or the hardway, continuing to pitone culture againstanother.SETTING-OVERVIEW"Retired" Army Sgt.James D. Caine narrateshis own story from thepiano. Afterencountering the ghostof his old partner andtrainer Command Sgt.Thomas E. Daniels, heflashes back to his daysas a Vietnam scout andsniper. The anguish ofwar and the anxiety ofhouse arrest, however,have turned Caine intoa "Split Personality."CAST OFCHARACTERSin order of appearance(Please click on pictures forArtist Video Profiles)JAMES DOYLE CAINE,57............ Narrator,piano, FBI DC OPROBERT QUINCYMACKY, (1916-2002).......Caine's 2nd PersonalityTHOMAS E. DANIELS,mid 20's....... Caine'sfirst partner and ghostlurpMING TET SONG, early20's.........LI MING'SAristocratic sisterLI MING SONG, mid20's......... NVA OPand Daniels' fianceANDY MIRKOVIC,early 20's.....Caine'scollege roommate-confidanteJAMES DOYLECAINE, 18...........College studentturned L.R.R.P.GIDEON MAXWELL,20's.....DELTA Scout,Caine's 2nd partnerin NamCYNTHIA MILAGROSSANTOS, 18.......Caine's ex-girlfriendELI WEINBERG,57...........Cynthia'sPoly Sci ProfessorCMMDR TUNGTRINH, TAK, ZACK,HUNT, 20's.......LiMing's battalion
A WORD ABOUTTHE PRODUCTIONGHOST OF WAR hasevolved into anacoustic Play withpiano Interludes,using nomicrophones orsound amplification.But the Play wasoriginally conceivedas a "Multi-Media"Musical with RockMusic, Ballads andOrchestral Music. Acompanion DVD willeventually bereleased for thePlay with much ofthe music writtenwith the originalconcept in mind.Here we offer a fewmusic videos thatwe are developingfor that DVD."STRAY STREET""DANCE OF THEDINOSAURS""GHOST OF WAR""SERGEANT CAINE'SANTHEM"MACRO SYNOPSISJAMES CAINE grewup with theVietnam War. Butthat is not to say hereally knewanything about it.To him as a youngteenager it was onlya TV war. Half aworld away. Butthen as a collegefreshman he wasshocked to find thatthe new "lottery"draft excluded allthe usual collegedeferments. Thewar had becomevery unpopular andthe attitudes of thetraditional drafteeshad degenerated.America's militaryleaders decided thatthe drastic newmeasure of draftingcollegians right outof school was thebest way totransition to an all-volunteer militaryonce the war wasover.The new lotteryworked like this: All365 days of the yearwere placed in adrum andwithdrawn. One byone, each date wasgiven a number. Forexample, the firstdate drawn, January17th, was assignednumber one, and soon. College studentsaround the countryestimated that ifyour birthdate wasone of the first 100or so drawn, youwould probably bedrafted. (Before thisnew "lottery" draft,if you were acollege student ingood standing, youwere given a"deferment," or"pass" from thedraft.)So when Caine'sbirthdate came upnumber 11, he knewhe could not avoidbeing drafted, eventhough he was anengineering studentwith an "A" classaverage.Caine's freshmanroommate incollege was the sonof a successfulPittsburghbusinessman andworld-wise beyondhis years. He hadsome advice forCaine. Don't rebel.Don't procrastinate.Don't run away.Run in! Enlist! Turnthis around. Make itsomething positive.Be somebodyimportant andrespected. Embracethis as anopportunity.Caine qualified forspecial training:Long RangeReconnaisancePatrol. His firstpartner and fieldtrainer was the best"Ghost Warrior" incountry. But this"lurp" wasn't thebest because hehadn't learned theways of the enemy.He was the bestbecause he had: inevery way.Command SargeantTHOMAS DANIELShad lost faith in themotives of his owngovernment andnow planned themost egregioustransgression:Defection. He hadfallen in love with abeautiful andaristocratic youngNorth Vietnameseoperative named LIMING SONG.